UPDATE: This webinar has now run and a full recording can be found here

Project 23's Race at Work series Ep. 3 is about Allyship; turning that word into action and 'doing'.

2020 Blacklivesmatter has shown us like never before that if we leave it to Black and brown people alone to rid our communities of racism, things will never change.

Come, spend just 45min of your week taking part and coming away knowing that you can make a massive difference. And you're not alone.

Very privileged to have this incredible and powerful duo join me and Gary Rayneau:

Hayley Bennett is a fresh-thinking, leading DEI consultant and the powerfully spoken Mayokun - Mac Alonge is the CEO of The Equal Group.

💥 If there is still fear or discomfort around this don't worry, we've got you.

💥 If you're wondering how to call out inappropriate behaviour, we've got you.

💥 Thinking about intersectionality, what it means and how you can help individuals not just one homogeneous group? We've got you.

💥 And if you're noticing that the news cycle has changed and wondering what part you can play to keep the momentum going, yes.. we've got you.

UPDATE: This webinar has now run and a full recording can be found here

Gary Rayneau